Realizing Laurens Road will build on previous plans and studies to identify specific steps Greenville County and its partners can take to encourage public and private investment that makes it easier to move around and more attractive to live, work, and play along the corridor. Realizing Laurens Road will be a plan for the entire corridor and detailed ideas for specific areas that represent our best opportunity to encourage a blend of mobility and development activity. We’re calling these Mobility + Development Hubs.
We’ve reviewed existing conditions and started conversations with a variety of stakeholders. Now, we need to hear from you. The Interactive Map and Survey allows you to learn more about the study area and collects your input in three ways.
1. Survey. Click on the Survey to answer broad questions about the Study Area.
2. Subareas. Click on an area outlined in the map it and answer a few place-specific questions. You also can click on the areas in the Legend.
3. Map Markers. Drag and drop icons to comment on the strengths and weaknesses as well as other thoughts about specific areas.